Past Life and Regression Therapist
Between Lives Spiritual Regression Therapist
United Kingdom
Warwickshire, Kenilworth
Offers therapy in person

Email: dave_graham@ymail.com
Phone: 07854 53849
Website: www.allareonetherapies.co.uk
Dave has a Regression Therapy and Hypnotherapy practice based in Kenilworth in the heart of the UK, where you can expect a warm and caring service that is focussed on your needs. Dave uses Past Life and Current Life Regression along with Hypnotherapy, Reiki, and EFT. This helps with a stronger sense of well-being as well as going to the root of your problem to release energy blockages which may present themselves as emotional distress, phobia, irrational fear, anxiety, anger and relationship issues amongst other symptoms. Dave is also a qualified Between Lives Spiritual Regression therapist.
Benefit from a growing sense of inner peace and well being as you become more and more familiar with the person that you are now and always have been.
Browse his website www.allareonetherapies.co.uk or contact him by email. Dave chose the name 'All Are One' Therapies as it reflects his understanding of the true nature of each of us.