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Past Life and Regression Therapist


GE - Geneva
Other locations: France, Italy, Netherlands, Dubai

English, French, Italian

Offers therapy in person and online


Email: or
Phone: +41 78 648 62 01 or +33 67 086 98 05


Jacqueline is a modern day mystic with innate intuitive gifts and a unique ability to empower others on their journey to personal development. Her approach embraces the mind, body and consciousness.

She encourages concepts that recognize the individual as an eternal, vibrational co-creator, a magnificent extension of Source Energy.

She works with people interested in leaping the bounds of who they think they are, to delight in the joy and wonder of self-discovery.

She views the challenges of her clients as synchronous opportunities for expansion and transformation.

Drawing on their inner resources that they do not yet realize they have, she watches them progress in quite miraculous manners.

Like an alchemist of emotions, Jacqueline shares her gifts and insights to transmute deeply anchored patterns of duality, from unconscious reactions into conscious actions. She often bridges the different healing modalities in order to obtain solid and permanent results.

Jacqueline is certified in Hypnosis, in Past Life Regression Therapy and Quantum Healing hypnosis technique. She is also a qualified Life Coach and an Energy Healing practitioner - She is a member of Spiritual Regression Therapy Association, an alliance of spiritual regression therapists all over the world who are united in a mission to heal and empower souls.

Jacqueline has counseled people from different cultural traditions in many parts of the globe. She speaks six languages and being currently based in Geneva, Switzerland she counsels in English, French and Italian.

Jacqueline est une mystique contemporaine qui possède des dons d'intuition innés et la rare faculté de vous faire découvrir votre pouvoir originaire - Les défis auxquels sont exposés ses clients se transforment en opportunités synchrones pour leurs développement personnels.

Son approche est holistique, elle inclut l’âme, le corps et l'esprit. Elle reconnait l'individu comme étant un co-créateur éternel et vibrationnel - une magnifique extension de la Source, la Conscience Universel.

Elle travaille avec des personnes qui veulent se transcender et se libérer des barrières limitant à leur Être, pour leur faire goûter les joies et plaisirs de leur découverte du Soi.

Puisant dans les ressources intérieures qu'ils possèdent sans même s'en rendre compte, elle observe leurs progrès miraculeux.

Telle une alchimiste des émotions, Jacqueline partage ses dons et intuitions pour transmuter les réactions automatiques et instinctuelles en actions conscientes et réfléchies.

Jacqueline est certifiée en hypnose, elle est diplômée en Thérapie par la Régression dans les Vies Antérieures - Past Life Regression Therapy, en Régression Quantique - Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique. Elle est aussi Coach certifiée de Développement Personnel et praticienne de rééquilibrage énergétique, ainsi que membre du “Spiritual Regression Therapy Association”.

Elle utilise plusieurs méthodes de training et varie ses pratiques dans le but d’obtenir des résultats solides et permanents.

Jacqueline a conseillé des gens issus de traditions et cultures très variées et de différentes régions du globe. Elle reçoit ses client à Genève, Suisse - ses séances sont en français, en anglais et en italien.

Jacqueline è una "mistica" moderna, con doti intuitive innate e una rara abilità di facilitare il cammino degli altri, nel loro viaggio verso lo sviluppo personale. Il suo approccio abbraccia la mente, il corpo e la coscienza. Lavora con persone interessate a trascendere i limiti che credono di avere, per ri-scoprire la gioia e la meraviglia della scoperta e la conoscenza di sé. Abbraccia i concetti e modelli che riconoscono l'individuo come un
co-creatore eterno e vibrazionale; una magnifica estensione della Coscienza Universale.
Spesso collega le diverse pratiche di sviluppo terapeutico per ottenere risultati solidi e permanenti.
Jacqueline, oltre ad essere una professionalmente qualificata in ipnosi, Past Life Regression Therapy® et Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique® (QHHT liv/2), possiede anche certificazioni in Life Coaching® e terapie di Energy Healing®. Inoltre è membro attivo della Spiritual Regression Therapy Association®, un'associazione professionale mondiale di terapisti in regressione spirituale, raccolti attorno ad una missione per guarire e potenziare le anime. Jacqueline ha lavorato con persone di diverse tradizioni etniche, culturali e professionali e provenienti da molte parti del mondo. Parla e scrive sei lingue e attualmente lavora a Ginevra, in Svizzera, e fornisce consulenza in inglese, francese ed italiano.


Past Life Regression: "I contacted Jacqueline for a Past Life Regression session after experiencing a chain of negative events: chronic abdominal problems and sudden skin pigmentation changes on my face, neck, chest and arms, an accident, repetitive negative thoughts and the loss of my job. The past life that I visited was a relevant one to my current life issues. My Higher Self took me to the source of my unresolved past life emotions. The signs and marks reflecting on my current life body were related to a past life trauma as a fighter pilot in WWII.

The session started with the exploration of the past life. Jacqueline guided me through the past life trauma, allowed me to experience it again and skilfully assisted me into transforming the past memories that are influencing my current life. Jacqueline introduced a variety of fascinating tools to empower me and to let go of the past life trauma related emotions and thoughts.

During the session, Jacqueline guided me in such a way that I could see all the parallels between the different events in my current life and the past life. I even noticed that some of the people who are currently influencing my life, were present in my previous life. Throughout the entire session, I was conscious, yet experiencing physical discomfort and seeing all these incredible images. As Jacqueline gracefully explained after the session, it was like dancing through different dimensions and existences to gain better understanding of the complex. During the session, Jacqueline removed 2 earthbound entities that were with me since my childhood. The work was done with gentle care towards me as well as the lost souls. She retrieved soul fragments back into my body - It was a powerful sensation. I felt as if parts of me that I had lost were being literally reintegrated into me. The feeling was of completeness and absoute serenity. At the end of the session, I was able to connect to my Spirit Guide, who appeared like a tall shapeless being made of Light. My physical body started shaking and it felt as if I was receiving an activation of my energy. I could feel heat rising in my body and light pouring out from every part of my body. I was in total awe of the PLR work that I knew little about. I am writing this testimonial 3 months after the session and I can only say that synchronicites and miracles are pouring into my way like never before."
- Anthony, Geneva / Switzerland

Past Life Regression: ”During a Past Life Regression session with Jacqueline Topakian the flood gates of my unconscious mind opened and I was faced with a cataclysm of pain, turmoil, conflict, fear that fortunately with Jacqueline’s skilful assistance, I was able to transform, let go and finally heal all the stagnated memory that my body was still carrying in this current life.

The images that I experienced came from my traumatic and tragic other life under the Inquisition period. It was an exceptional experience that first led me to a compassionate, non-judgemental understanding of myself and soon put me on a journey of miraculous transformation and illumination. Thank you for your exceptional gift!"
- J. P., Geneva / Switzerland

Régression à des Vies Antérieures: ” La beauté de la synchronicité m’a conduit vers Jacqueline à un moment où j’étais dans un travail personnel pour comprendre toutes les clés et tout le sens de mon chemin de vie. J’étais prise toutes ces dernières années dans une sorte de labyrinthe où je n’arrivais pas à trouver de réponses claires à certaines situations de blocage pour être enfin aux commandes de ma vie. La séance de régression dans les vies antérieures que j’ai faite avec Jacqueline fut une expérience extraordinaire qui vous plonge dans un sommeil conscient, dans une conversation intime avec vous-même. J’ai obtenu la clarté sur beaucoup de mes interrogations et j’ai surtout compris l’impact que pouvait avoir les vies antérieures sur le présent. En effet, j’ai compris l’origine de certains blocages mais aussi de certaines émotions dont je ne comprenais pas à quoi elles étaient liées. Jacqueline est une guide, une sorte de fée Clochette qui vous accompagne avec sa merveilleuse lumière au plus profond de vous-même sans jugement avec toute sa bienveillance et son empathie. Elle est à vos côtés, totalement investie dans ce voyage intérieur et antérieur qui peut parfois être douloureux. Grâce à cette séance et à Jacqueline, je suis aujourd’hui animée d’un sentiment de légèreté, j’ai réussi à me délester de bagages encombrants. J’ai rassemblé toutes les pièces du puzzle de ma vie et tout est à sa place et a maintenant un sens. Je me vois au centre d’une pièce illuminée où toutes les portes sont ouvertes. Cette séance a eu des effets bénéfiques sur moi mais aussi des répercussions positives sur ma famille. Je regrette parfois de ne pas l’avoir faite plutôt pour « gagner du temps » mais comme le dit l’adage, tout vient au bon moment et j’étais tout simplement prête à ce moment-là. Aujourd’hui je suis pleine de gratitude envers l’Univers pour avoir mis Jacqueline sur mon chemin. C’est une très belle rencontre avec une personne exceptionnelle." - F. G., Genève / Suisse

Regressione nelle vite passate: "Esperienza straordinaria! Un cammino verso la conoscenza di se stessi, accompagnato passo dopo passo dalla mano sicura e professionale, attenta ed esperta da Jacqueline.

Il metodo é facilmente riferibile ad ogni forma di problemi, blocchi od ansie tipici di molti di noi. Soprattuto per i ritmi e le pressione a cui siamo sottoposti in questi tempi difficili.

La scoperta delle cause in tempi trascorsi, la rimozione elegante e piena di luce degli impedimenti alla crescita fino ad arrivare allo 'stare in equilibrio con noi stessi’ - nella consapevolezza della luce che circonda ognuno di noi - che rimarrà stabile nel resto del nostro percorso di vita. Grazie Jacqueline!"
- R. S. Ginevra / Svizzera

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