Past Life and Regression Therapist Between Lives Spiritual Regression TherapistSloveniaDAMJAN GREGORIC
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Past Life and Regression Therapist
Between Lives Spiritual Regression Therapist



English, Slovenian

Offers therapy in person and online


Phone: 0038640706921


I am a licensed hypnosis therapist and regression therapist. My way of working is focused on making people aware of our soul and its uniqueness and wholeness, unconditional love and the power of the heart. The unification of soul, mind and body can overcome all obstacles and difficulties. The causes can be discovered and resolved through regression into past lives and regression into the present life. Even for those who think there is no solution, there is always a way. I am happy to help people to realise that they can choose their own path in life. I approach the sessions holistically because I want to help people develop and unite the potentials of soul, mind and body and improve their health and well-being. Through my experience, I strive to equip my clients with the best tools for success and help them achieve their goals in a very grounded way for freedom in the here and now.


Sem licenciran terapevt hipnoze in regresoterapevt. Moj način dela je usmerjen na ozaveščanje ljudi o naši duši in njeni edinstvenosti in celoti, o brezpogojni ljubezni in moči srca. Združevanje duše, uma in telesa lahko premaga vse ovire in težave. Vzroke lahko odkrijemo in razrešimo s pomočjo regresije v prejšnja življenja in regresije sedanjega življenja. Tudi za tiste, ki mislijo, da ni rešitve, vedno obstaja pot. Z veseljem pomagam ljudem pri zavedanju, da si svojo življenjsko pot lahko izbirajo sami. K seansam pristopam celostno, ker želim ljudem pomagati razviti in združiti potenciale duše, uma in telesa ter izboljšati zdravje in počutje. S svojimi izkušnjami se trudim opremiti svoje kliente z najboljšimi orodji za uspeh in jim pomagam doseči njihove cilje na zelo prizemljen način za svobodo tukaj in zdaj.


I attended the regression with an open mind, not knowing what the experience would be like. I was driven to the regression by a curiosity about my own identity and the journey my self has taken to make sense of the current state of my life. Damjan proved to be an excellent therapist with his seriousness and enthusiasm. The positive effects of the regression are, in my opinion, invaluable. -Daniel Ljubljana

I have had a lot of difficult events in my life and I was looking for answers as to why all this was happening to me. By "coincidence" Damjan came into my life, he has an extremely beautiful energy and when he told me he was doing regression I felt a calling. And as much as I felt the call, there was so much fear in me (because I didn't know exactly what regression meant, because I had never been to a session like this before) and I fought with myself for quite some time, whether to go or not to go. So for anyone who is looking for answers, facing some trauma (I myself had the trauma of sexual abuse, abandonment, un-safety) I highly recommend a visit to Damjan, where a safe space awaits you, where you can take a deep look into yourself, which is the only path that leads to happiness in this life. Courage and happiness. -Manja Brežice

Damjan and I met by chance, although they probably don't really exist. I was in a rather tense emotional situation, he suggested me to try visualizing a quantum leap through a youtube video right away, it really helped me to reduce the feelings of tension. I wish him to be able to fully dedicate himself to his mission, because it is obvious that today's world, the cold system, the traumatic experiences, sometimes suck the energy, the health, the faith out of us, and that is when we need people who are special, who have the knowledge and the power to heal, to restore faith and to encourage us for all the further challenges that are destined for our soul. Damjan, thank you from the bottom of my heart. -Anja Borovnica


Regresije sem se udeležil odprtega uma, nisem niti vedel kakšna izkušnja me čaka. Do regresije me je gnala radovednost o lastni identiteti in o prehojeni poti mojega jaza, da bi osmislil trenutno stanje v svojem življenju. Damjan se je s svojo resnostjo in zagnanostjo izkazal kot odličen terapevt. Pozitivni učinki regresije so po mojem mnenju neprecenljivi. -Daniel Ljubljana

V življenju sem imela precej težkih dogodkov, na katere sem iskala odgovore, zakaj vse se mi to dogaja. Po »naključju« je v moje življenje prišel Damjan, ki ima izredno lepo energijo in ko mi je povedal, da dela regresijo sem začutila klic. In toliko kot sem začutila klic, toliko je bilo v meni strahu (ker nisem prav natančno vedela, kaj regresija pomeni, ker nisem še nikoli bila na takšni seansi) in sem se kar nekaj časa borila sama s sabo, ali naj grem ali naj ne grem. Zato vsem, ki iščete odgovore, se soočate s kakšnimi travmami (sama sem imela travmo spolne zlorabe, zapuščenosti, ne-varnosti) zelo priporočam obisk pri Damjanu, kjer vas čaka varen prostor, kjer lahko naredite globok pogled vase, kar je pa edina pot, ki vodi k sreči v tem življenju. Pogumno in srečno. -Manja Brežice

Z Damjanom sva se spoznala po naključju, čeprav verjetno le-ta zares ne obstajajo. Bila sem v precej napeti čustveni situaciji, že takoj mi je predlagal naj poskusim s vizualizacijo kvantni skok preko posnetka na youtube-u, res mi je pomagalo zmanjšati občutke napetosti. Želim mu, da bi se lahko popolnoma posvetil svojemu poslanstvu, saj je očitno, da današnji svet, hladen sistem, travmatične izkušnje, iz nas včasih posrkajo energijo, zdravje, vero in takrat potrebujemo ljudi, ki so posebni, ki imajo znanje in moč zdraviti, vrniti vero in nas opogumiti za vse nadaljne izzive, ki so namenjeni naši duši. Damjan, hvala iz srca. -Anja Borovnica

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