Past Life Therapists
Healing the source of your challenge
The Past Life Therapists of the Spiritual Regression Therapy Association facilitate the deep healing from a past life when people access memories at the root of their challenge. They offer in-personal or internet therapy and work internationally including UK, Europe, Singapore, Asia, USA and Australia.
It appears the way a soul grows is to experience difficult situations and to master the associated emotions as if the Earth is a classroom for the soul. It goes through life lessons to master them over a number of past lives before proceeding on to the next lesson in a future life. The soul is perceived as being immortal and endowed with all the divine attributes of its Creator.

Benefits Past Life Therapy
A wide range of disorders are treatable by past life regression. A headache may be connected with a past life of intolerable mental challenges or a head injury. A stomach pain may be related to a past life experiences of hunger or a wound from battle. A neck pain may relate to a past life death of hanging, strangling or beheading.
Irrational fears of all sorts are often rooted in a past life. Hydrophobia may be related to drowning, claustrophobia to death from suffocation, acrophobia to death from falling from heights and phobia of snakes from past life of being bitten.
Eating disorders in the current life are often re-created past life memories of starvation, poverty and famine. Sexual difficulties may reflect underlying past life experience of sexual abuse and rape. Depression may related to past life memory of unfinished grieving from the loss of a loved one, or despair from war and starvation. Unexplainable feelings of insecurity may from a past life memory of abandonment or being orphaned.
Past life therapy is effective for many physical, emotional and behavioural disorders. This includes relationship problems, low self-esteem, loss of self-love, low self-worth or a struggle to find one’s life purpose.
Past Life Therapy Process
Past Life therapists generally use hypnosis or an altered state of consciousness. Following an initial interview and clarification of the symptoms the client rests comfortably on a reclining couch and is gently guided through a breathing and relaxation exercise. As the trance deepens, guided imagery is used to lead the person into a scene of a past event.
Many techniques besides guided imagery are used for connecting the mind to a past life event. One approach is to let the client focus on a recent memory related to the symptoms. Frequently an emerging emotion or thought becomes a “bridge” that connects with a relevant past event.
Another approach is to have the client focus on a disturbing sensation in a particular part of the body, and allow the associated imagery and emotion to emerge from that area. As soon as the person’s thoughts, images or emotion intensify with prompting from the therapist, a story that emerges that is often a past life.
Once embodied in a past life the story emerges naturally. Professionally trained past life therapists ask simple non-leading commands or questions such as, "What are you aware of around you?”, "What happens next?" or "On the count of three, go to the next significant event." In this way they help the client uncover information about the context of the events at the source of challenge.
An important part is the past life regression is helping a client transform the past life by finding forgiveness, having a new spiritual perspective and being able to integrate it in their current life. Factors that have previously maintained the symptoms in the current life lose their influence and and the therapy restores the person to wholeness and peacefulness and the symptom often completely disappear.
Are Past Lives Real?
A believer in reincarnation takes the view of the soul having lived many lifetimes in many other bodies previously on a learning journey in the current body. People believing they only have one life may view the past life phenomenon through the Jungian concept of the “collective unconscious” into which they have dipped into the vast collective memory of mankind. Or they may take the view the experience is a metaphor, but importantly it comes from their own subconscious mind and metaphors are a powerful way of allowing people to heal themselves.
A past life can appear to be real to the person experiencing it because the unexpected way it emerges with associated emotional and physical sensations. Some have proven verifiable when previously unknown events or details have been researched and confirmed. An example of is the past life book Shrouded Truth by Reena Kumarasingham that covers eight different people’s past lives accounts at the time of Jesus that correlate and are confirmed with the latest biblical research.
However, the past life therapists intent is not to prove the truth of the story that emerges but to use the powerful healing ability of the transpersonal experience. The SRTA Past Life Therapists honour each client’s beliefs just as much as we celebrate each client’s healing.
Past Life Therapists Standards
In many countries past life therapy is unregulated and many people with little or no training claim to be past life therapists. In the absence of state controls voluntary regulation past life training has been achieved in the profession itself with a single worldwide standard and the Spiritual Regression Therapy Association members meet and exceed this standard.
History of Past Life Therapy
The idea of reincarnation seems to have its origin in the ancient speculative philosophies of India and is common in Eastern philosophy and views life as a repetition of eternal cycles and the physical world as illusion.
Denys Kelsey a British psychiatrist was an early pioneer of past life regression therapy and worked with Joan Grant to publish their exploratory work on the value of past life therapy in Many Lifetimes in 1967. It was in the 1970s that past life therapy really took off. Peter Ramster began his pioneering work in Australia, while Hans TenDam led the way in Europe. In 1978, four further books on past life therapy were published: Reliving Past Lives by Helen Wambach; You Have Been Here Before by Edith Fiore; Past Lives Therapy by Morris Netherton; and Voices from Other Lives by Thorwald Dethlefsen. These four books had one thing in common, in that they dwell on the symptomatology rather than the spiritual implications of illness. Roger Woolger in the 1980s introduced the importance of working with the body to clear deep trauma from past lives with what he called Deep Memory Processing.
The International Board for Regression Therapy was founded in New York in 1999 to establish professional standards and practices in the field of past life therapy. Meanwhile in India, the growth of past life therapy assumed a life of its own. The Life Research Academy was founded in Hyderabad in 2000 under the leadership of medical doctors Dr. Newton and Dr. Lakshmi to promote past life therapy training. In 2010, Dr. Newton launched the Association for Regression and Reincarnation Research, a global association to promote research in past life regression.