Past Life and Regression Therapist
Offers therapy in person

Phone: +4746799409
Over the last few years, from my first encounter with healer myself in 2006, I felt that my development and awareness had shot straight away with rocket speed. Through my own meetings with wonderful people who have shown me the way to discover what lives in us people of opportunity and experience, I have shared to the best of their ability with anyone who has wanted to be part of the "travel team".
I am incredibly grateful to all who have been, are and will be part of my life. I look forward to new meetings, experiences and insights every day. Based on the insight and experience I myself have, I guide. Through continuous self-development through regression therapy, healing, yoga, meditation and Rosen therapy, I have learned a lot about myself and how to balance and be safe. Through the spiritual work as a medium, I have also linked myself to a source of knowledge and guidance. I actively use this as part of what I offer. I am very grateful that I will be a tool for infinite love and wake up the potential of those who want to open their way. Currently, I accept healing, counseling, counseling and regression therapy, and more, at Tyrifjorden,
Ongoing study / development:
Arthur Findlay College, Stansted UK, 2016-
Medium Circle Training in Group, 2009-
Healing and Meditation Group, 2008-
Own Development beyond this:
Medical Yoga, Rosen Therapy, Healing and Regression Therapy
Healing - Reiki Master and Instructor - 2006-2007
The new energies - Channeled treatment through Iiluka
Regression therapy - Past Life Regression Academy, Oslo 2008
Soul Body Fusion I & II, Jonette Crowley, Oslo 2014-2015
Healing, Self-development and Mediumship - Various courses over the years
Looking forward to the continuation!