Past Life and Regression Therapist
United Kingdom
London, North West
English, Polish
Offers therapy in person
Phone: 07927 657948
As well being a Hypnotherapist, Regression Therapist and qualified Reiki Master, Anna is also a qualified QUANTEC Practitioner, Certified Homeopath in Bach Therapy, Nutrition consultant and certified Herbalist.
Anna has extraordinary passion with regards to combining different modalities and therapies. In particular, regression therapies and inner child traumas which ultimately assists the patient towards achieving inner peace, balance, health and success.
Anna is bilingual and she has been working privately working with Polish and English clients.
My past life regression sessions with Anna amounted to an experience I thought was not possible nor plausible, changing not only my personal issues for the better, but completely opening my eyes to a world of therapy and treatment I was completely closed to. One must confess, that my naivety towards past life regression before I began my therapy sessions with Anna was undeniably apparent, but my personal view on past life regression and the positive affect it has had on my life, has changed my perspective immeasurably. One has always been described as a dominating character, short tempered and strong minded. I was constantly faced with the desire to know matters that quite frankly have no connection to myself, and would not be a mental ease until such a craving was fulfilled. Whilst I always knew that my desire to be constantly knowing of quite frankly irrelevant information was sign of a deeper issue, I could never have comprehended the real, deeper issue that caused this constant craving. Anna, in my opinion managed the impossible, and through inner child technique, gauge the real reason why I needed to constantly know. Needless to say, that the therapy has work in my every day adult life, and I simply no longer have that intense desire to know information that has no relevance to me. I cannot thank Anna enough for her work. It has, without doubt, changed my life for the better.
- John Murray
Zdecydowalem sie na hipnoze regresyjna bardziej z ciekawosci niz z konkretnej potrzeby. Jakkolwiek czesto powtarzajace sie migreny byly uciazliwe i z ta intencja zdecydowalem sie odbyc trzy 1 godzinne sesje hipnozy regresyjnej.
Podczas pierwszej sesji p. Anna wprowadzila mnie w stan hipnozy, ale byla to jakby hipnoza swiadoma. Bylo to cos innego niz sie spodziewalem. Bylem swiadomy wszystkiego co mowie i co sie dzieje wokol mnie. Obrazy i uczucia naplywaly same bez wysilku, tylko nalezalo je zwerbalizowac i przekazac. Anna uzywala pewne techniki prowadzace do wybaczenia innym osobom z poprzedniego zycia, ktore usuwaja blokady. Dzieki tej hipnozie czestotliwosc migren zmniejszyla sie i pojawilo sie uczucie ostrosci i swiezosci. Za co jestem wdzieczny.
- Wojciech z Gdyni