Past Life and Regression Therapist
Between Lives Spiritual Regression Therapist
Central Singapore
Offers therapy in person and online

Phone: 0065 90121933
Tap into your InnerDynamics and map out the landscape of your life.
"It is my desire to accompany clients on their journey to discover who they are and what their purpose is in life. Helping them to let go of beliefs that restrict rather than allow for personal growth, seeing them uncover and draw on their inner strength to make necessary changes in their life is the focus of my work. To be part of that process of realization and to see them live their unique potential is most rewarding."
Antoinette is a Dipl. Regression Therapist and authorized trainer in Regression Therapy with the Regression Academy UK, where she also certified as a Life Between Life Regression Therapist. She holds certificates for various holistic therapies such as Nutripuncture, Jin Shin Jyutus and has lately added information field technology to her practice.
From the moment I met her, my healing journey started. In two sessions, over a period of several months, Antoinette helped me through regression therapy to seek to understand the past lives that that left traumatic imprints on my soul.
She was immensely patient and kind towards me and took me through the regression therapy with as much compassion and gentleness as one would do with a vulnerable child.
I have found this experience with Antoinette to be truly life-changing. I am happy to enjoy what is left of my life with more peace and fulfilment.
For those seeking to understand unfound fear, unhappiness or unrest of any kind and to resolve these issues, I would highly recommend that you seek the help and guidance of Antoinette. When I beseeched the Universe for help, Antoinette appeared to offer help and my life has never been the same again. Thank God.
- Shakila Vasu (Singapore)
It is no exaggeration that my first Past Life Regression session with Antoinette changed my life! And to think I didn't even believe in past lives then, and went just for 'curiosity' sake.
The strong negative beliefs I used to have, just don't seem to belong to me anymore. I was always 'innately' a very depressed, angry person before, and as my close friends can attest, I am now remarkably different (in a good way). Even when interacting with others, I am now a lot more patient and it is almost like I can now see right past each individuals struggles and look right into their higher selves or soul, with compassion and understanding.
Antoinette is the most wonderful therapist who possesses the right balance of taking gentle control in a session and yet is extremely reassuring and loving in a motherly way. She is creative, highly intuitive and has a deep well of knowledge and skills.
The therapy was so effective for me that I was spurred on to do this professionally for others! I am now a trained Past Life Regression therapist and am getting much fulfillment in guiding others. This is the true beauty of spirituality: passing it on.
I have Antoinette to thank for all of this. She's been an instrumental part of my journey and has now become a mentor and a friend. I am very grateful to the universe for drawing me to her.
- Desiree (Float Your Boat Therapy)