Past Life and Regression Therapist
Between Lives Spiritual Regression Therapist
United Kingdom
London - West
Offers therapy in person and online

Phone: +44 (0) 208 5679923
After working for many years as a financial analyst, I retrained in psychology and then went on to qualify as a counsellor and psychotherapist, with an MSc in Integrative Psychotherapy. I am UKCP accredited and work with people to help them with issues such as relationship difficulties, bereavement and depression, through to helping them fulfil their potential and manifest their dreams. I have a Diploma in Transpersonal and Therapeutic Hypnosis and help people overcome phobias, such as fear of flying, and unhelpful habits such as smoking. I have also worked with people to reduce their dependence on drugs and alcohol.
Having begun, in the last few years, to fully open up to my own creative side, I take a particular interest in psychotherapy and hypnotherapy as tools for personal growth and transformation, especially in terms of unlocking creativity. I work with artists and musicians who are experiencing creative blocks to help them understand and heal the triggering issues and fulfil their potential. I find helping people with their performance/presentation anxiety of particular interest.
Interlife Regression (Life Between Lives) involves journeying to the interlife realm to understand more about the aim and purpose of your current life. People often wish to understand why they made certain choices in this life, and whether they have been connected to the important people in their current life through other lifetimes. As a Life Between Lives therapist I help people to explore the interlife realm. They can then understand and integrate the wisdom their guides and higher self impart to them so that they experience a greater richness and fulfilment in this life.
I am located in Ealing, West London and welcome you to contact me, whether to work on resolving trauma, enhancing your creativity or gaining insights from the spiritual dimensions.