Past Life and Regression Therapist
English, Italian
Offers therapy in person

Phone: +39-333-7171564
Giovanni Vota diplomato in "Past Life Regression Therapy" presso la "Past Life Regression Academy" dove ha studiato anche "Life Between Life". E' diplomato in "Past Life Therapy" con Brian Weiss presso l'Omega Institute di New York. E' certificato "S.F.E.R.A. Coach" col Prof. Giuseppe Vercelli a Torino (Italy), certificato Ho'Oponopono con Ihaleakala Hew Len, è certificato Ilahinoor con Kiara Windrider, è certificato in Iridologia Spirituale con Lucio Birello e Daniele Lo Rito, è diplomato Master ThetaHealer e insegnante avanzata con Vianna Stibal in Idaho (USA).
E' laureato in ingegneria elettronica, è stato docente di Informatica presso il Politecnico di Torino, imprenditore, dirigente in diverse aziende in Italia e negli USA, tra le quali IBM e Sun Microsystems. E' consulente informatico e aziendale, "Life and Business Coach" e ThetaHealer. Si occupa da molti alti di integrare le antiche filosofie orientali ed energetiche alle moderne scoperte scientifiche e della fisica quantistica per lo sviluppo personale e del business in ambiti aziendali e individuali.
Giovanni Vota has a Diploma in Past Life Regression Therapy from the Past Life Regression Academy where he also studied Life Between Life Regression. He also has a Diploma in Past Life Therapy from Brian Weiss at the Omega Institute in New York. He is certified S.F.E.R.A. Coach with Giuseppe Vercelli, Turin (Italy), he is Certified Ho'oponopono with Ihaleakala Hew Len and he is certified by Kiara Windrider Ilahinoor. He is certified in Spiritual Iridology with Lucio Birello and Daniele Lo Rito, and he has a Diploma Master ThetaHealer and advanced teacher with Vianna Stibal in Idaho (USA).
He has degree in electronic engineering, and he was Lecturer of Computer Science at the Polytechnic of Turin, entrepreneur, executive in many companies in Italy and the USA, including IBM and Sun Microsystems. He is concerned for many years to integrate the ancient eastern philosophies to modern scientific discoveries and quantum physics for personal and business development.