Past Life and Regression Therapist
Between Lives Spiritual Regression Therapist
United Kingdom
Norfolk, Sheringham
Offers therapy in person
Email: heatherwalk@me.com
Phone: 01493 407867 or 07510043314
Website: (Currently being updated)
Hi my name is Heather my background was in customer relations before I qualified as a Clinical Hypnotherapist in the 90's, a Thought Field Therapist and Healer. My journey then led me to the Past Life Regression Academy where I trained in Life between Life Journeys.
I've met some wonderful people and learnt many of the amazing techniques I now use in my everyday life and work. My aim has always been to continue learning in order to improve my skills and knowledge base.
Nothing causes a more severe reaction upon the physical body than strong emotion. To help others Examine the root cause of issues giving them a deep understanding of their situation, along with wisdom to overcome it and allows transformational healing to take place.
Let me help you explore your soul's journey and gain an insight on life and 'why are we here' what's our purpose!
If you feel you would like to see me or you have any questions, please either call or email me.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.