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Past Life and Regression Therapist
Between Lives Spiritual Regression Therapist

United Kingdom

Wales, Carmarthen, Carmarthenshire


Offers therapy in person and online


Sally is based in Carmarthen, South West Wales and qualified in various disciplines - Between Lives Spiritual Regression, Regression Therapy, Hypnotherapy, Spirit Release, Energetic Space Clearing, Shamanic Soul Retrieval and Journeying, Access Consciousness Bars Facilitator, Crystals, Massage, Reiki Teacher, Reflexologist, Intuitive Card Reader and also holds workshops in Celtic Shamanism, Earth Energies and Munay-Ki. She regards herself as a Modern Medicine Practitioner.

Since childhood Sally has been fascinated about Past Lives, especially those meetings with certain individuals and that feeling you’ve known each other in another lifetime. By training with Past Life Regression Academy, she came to understand why these encounters had happened at strategic points in her life. From understanding this, one can see what impacts they have on our current life, which can just literally stop you in your tracks and may affect your emotional and physical wellbeing.

Spirit release is an interesting aspect of this work, which she enjoys. It can have such a debilitating effect on a person, with their health, thoughts and life in general. Clients have commented on how light they feel when these energies leave their aura/energy field and the fog has cleared in their minds.

She has her own private practice which is based in the countryside just outside Carmarthen. Sally has also worked at a hospice and for charity at a local hospital giving therapies to carers (adults and teenagers), which she found thoroughly rewarding.

Working intuitively with her clients is important, as everyone is unique and has a different journey in this life. For more in-depth information please take a look at the website or please just contact Sally directly.


"Sally is a fantastic Therapist. She navigates her Regression sessions with compassion, skill and self-confidence. During my sessions with her, in the comfort of her therapy room, I felt completely safe and at ease. A place where I could really let go, allowing me to move through some difficult emotions and release them. Sally has done the work herself; this gives her the compassion and insights in helping others to release stuck emotions and trauma. I can’t recommend her enough".

"I have benefited from the past life regression sessions with Sally. The sessions have been powerful and informative. The experiences have been a form of healing for me. They have provided me with explanations for issues in my life and allowed me to tackle them. My quality of life is getting better as a result.
During the sessions I always felt safe and have full confidence in Sally. She is always professional, thoughtful and very knowledgeable. I would highly recommend Sally to anyone wanting a past life regression".

"The sessions have been very informative, providing answers to questions I have about my current life. It also has been helpful with the knee pain I have been suffering from. The revelations have been quite emotional as they have been disheartening situations but at the same time healing. I need more sessions for more insight and I am looking forward to these.
Sally answers all my questions and is sincere, thoughtful and very professional".

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