Past Life and Regression Therapist
United Kingdom
East Yorkshire, Wold Newton, Driffield
Offers therapy in person
Email: jimfrench38@hotmail.com
Phone: 01262 470447
Hello. My name is James French. I have always had a spiritual leaning, although at times this was hidden from view. When I was around 10 years old I remember asking my dad questions like 'why are we here'? and 'why do people get ill'? He looked both pleased and perplexed at the same time!
I worked through a variety of jobs through my life generally with a feeling of simply drifting but as I got older I learned to meditate and became a little more focused and started my own business importing seashells, wood carvings etc.
Some four years ago I was on a buying trip in Bali and I met a psychotherapist who had trained in past life regression. She asked me to go along to what is called a 'Family Soul constellation'. I had never heard of such a thing but went for the experience (feeling a little nervous!) What happened became a turning point in my life. The session involved about fifteen people sitting around a room. There is a client, in this case it was a young American woman, who with the help of a therapist selected certain people to be members of her family in order to discover why her father was always cold and aloof towards her. Well I just knew what was coming! The young woman asked me to be her father and others were her mother, grandparents, etc. We were all positioned around the room with me facing outwards looking into the garden. I was just waiting for the session to begin, thinking this was little more than role play, when suddenly I was overwhelmed with sadness and I spontaneously regressed into being the woman's father as a little boy and experiencing his own childhood where there was little or no love (at least not shown to him). The session went on with interactions with his parents and me with tears rolling down my cheeks and fully being in the character. It was amazing! At the end of the session the young woman was really pleased and had such a greater understanding of why her father behaves as he does. When I returned to the UK I decided that this was what I wanted to do so trained in both hypnotherapy and regression therapy and gained a diploma in both areas.
During the therapy training, having past life and inner child experiences released me from fears and emotional issues and gave me real focus to continue with this work to help other people with their own issues whilst giving healing.
A regression session generally lasts around two hours and when appropriate I add some sound healing near the end using crystal singing bowls.
I would be delighted to help you resolve your issues and help to bring positive feelings into your life too.
Please feel free to contact me for more details.