"Past Life and Regression Therapist
Victoria - Melbourne
Offers therapy in person and online
BA (Hons), MA, P.G.C.E, Ct Hyp, DipRTh
"Be the change you seek."
"Phillippa is a practicing hypnotherapist and Deific artist who works sympathetically with others as they seek to improve and enhance their lives. She enjoys this spiritual based exploration of the self."
Phillippa works with relationship graphs purely because she finds they are a succinct way for clients to get to the nub of issues and how they can integrate with the problem they are facing. This allows clients to embrace what needs to change. She really enjoys so much having this opportunity to help facilitate a fundamental resolution. This method of working with clients is both for businesses and individuals working on self limiting problems.
Sometimes, we are confronted with links to our past traumas that can only be resolved through facing into them to find a solution. By accompanying clients as they resolve a life-time fear or to stop a pattern of behaviour that has sort to under mind their confidence in any area of their life. Phillippa believes and understands how hypnotherapy is used as a tool for making a difference over time, in addressing difficult to approach problems, through the art of relaxation and trance. It sounds simple and in the main it is, by taking that first step clients find they can release energy that assist them to find closure for their issues.
She provides these services from a specially designed therapy room. The right environment is important as it works to put you at ease as you explore and resolve difficult issues in your life.
I had a fear at the beginning that I might not like it or it would be a mistake, but it wasn’t! I can feel the energy growing in my chest and then I am aware that I am slipping into old patterns. It was an honour to be your client. I hope we will be able to work together again before too long. - Simon Phillips
Wow, Oh my God, wow was I in a really deep sleep., I on a plane?” this was awesome. It is strange but I was happy to fly. I can become confident that I can be on my own.Thanks, I feel so relaxed and ready to fly. Thank you."
Fear of Flying. - Gayle Harry
Thank you for the session yesterday, I am not a person for affirmations but these came naturally from me and my guide. So I will write them onto real balloons and have them in the room. Then I will photograph them over the weekend and I will have them as a screen-saver. My positive past life was nice, idyllic. It felt really nice; I have never felt it before, it feels more of me now, I will embody that. Mary-Rose Moses - O’Brien