Past Life and Regression Therapist
Between Lives Spiritual Regression Therapist
Offers therapy in person and online

Phone: Germany +49 170 9530999
Sheela's journey into coaching and complementary therapies began when she was facing a few health issues of her own, including fibromyalgia, tinnitus and migraine. Autosuggestion and spiritual exploration became a big part of her recovery process and this eventually led her to take up formal training in hypnosis, regression therapy and spiritual regression with Past Life Regression Academy, UK.
After benefitting greatly from complementary therapies herself, Sheela now helps her clients find clarity and solutions to their recurring life challenges through a mix of logical and intuitive methods. Sheela started her practice in 2011 and is currently based in Munich, Germany.
Apart from offering private sessions and group coaching, she also gives talks on regression therapy and conducts collaborative workshops with therapists and coaches promoting inner wellbeing. Sheela also organizes customised retreats centred around inner journeying and emotional wellness.
“I have been very lucky to have met Sheela at a very low point of my life, when everything seemed to be falling apart; my relationship was a disaster, I had financial problems and had to relocate to another country. I have explored past life therapy before and thought I knew what to expect, but Sheela’s session was by far the best and what I experienced blew me away. Since realising the causes for my problems and having that extra knowledge, my life has turned around. My relationships have improved, my health got better and my finances are again back on track.”
- PW, Singapore
“I have had the privilege of doing two past life regression sessions with Sheela. I have been studying psychoanalysis for several years, as well as being in analysis. What I experienced in the work with Sheela was a confirmation and deepening of the work which I had already begun. The work with Sheela brought me in direct contact with the highest part of myself. From this place, I was able to get insight into my soul's true purpose, the nature of my present relationships, and what I am here to accomplish in this lifetime. The insight I gained during the sessions also has had a profoundly illuminating and healing effect on present relationships which were stuck and quite difficult. Sheela is patient, empathetic, and extremely respectful of the process. The work with her has increased my intuition and trust in myself.”
- HH, Munich
“I have been doing the Past Life Regression therapy with Sheela for more than a year now and realized dramatic changes and improvements in my daily life with my family as well as my personality. Before starting the sessions I was very skeptical but have to admit, that - with the opportunity to recall experiences from the past - the challenges of my today's life seem to get solved much easily. These sessions are very precious to me, since I now see my life - the past and the present - in a totally different light.”
- CJ, Singapore
“The regression sessions with Sheela have been incredibly helpful in dealing with the death of my husband. They have helped me accept what happened as well as finding a way to deal with the great emotional turmoil that comes with bereavement and grief. Over these two years Sheela has been so supportive and caring. I'm very grateful that we met.”
- KH, Germany